Thursday, March 12, 2015

14 Free Test Sample for Brunnstroms Clinical Kinesiology 6th Edition by Houglum Multiple Choice Questions

Many students practising with 14 Free Test Sample for Brunnstroms Clinical Kinesiology 6th Edition by Houglum Multiple Choice Questions also suggest that this test bank is an authoritative and relevant textbook test sample on nursing and healthcare! Strong focus on practical instruction of functional anatomy with the purpose of guiding learners to use this in professional performance. Plus, these clinical kinesiology free test bank questions and full answers also provide the relevant understanding apart from the main knowledge so that the students have a clearer overview of medical career. Designed under the multiple choice question format, this test is looked forward to be the new approach for learner to grasp clinical comprehension quickly and effectively. Let this test help you to check your level!

The convex-concave principle states that if a convex surface moves on a concave surface, the roll and glide occur in the same direction.
Hinge joints exhibit __________ degree(s) of freedom.
Adduction is associated with movements of a segment further away from midline of the body.
Kinematics is associated with motion of a body or segment without regard to the forces that produce motion.
Gliding occurs between two articular surfaces when:
Closed kinematic chain motions occur when the distal segment is fixed and the proximal segments move.
All of the following are characteristics of closed kinetic chain (CKC) motion except:
Goniometry is useful in quantifying translatory motion between adjacent bony segments.
A condyloid or ellipsoidal joint is characterized by motion in ____________ planes.
Which of the following is always classified as a “pathological” end-feel?
During rotary motion, the farther the distance from the axis of motion, the greater the velocity of that point.
Which of the following is not a function of ligaments?
Arthrokinematics is concerned with gross bony motions.
Closed packed positions of synovial joints are best characterized by ____________ joint congruency and ____________ gliding between articular surfaces

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