Thursday, March 12, 2015

12 Free Test Bank for Clinical Nursing Skills and Techniques 8th Edition by Perry Multiple Choice Questions

12 Free Test Bank for Clinical Nursing Skills and Techniques 8th Edition by Perry Multiple Choice Questions is an excellent and thorough reference that will enable to you master nursing skills. It is highly recommended by both students and instructors as a great companion textbook test bank that takes you step by step through a series of checklists to enable you to perform well during skills testing. Strongly focus on patient-centered care and safety guidelines, this test presents much valuable understanding for learners to get used to the duties of a nursing assistant. Practice with these nursing skills free test bank questions and answers, you will quickly enhance and know how to apply the theories into the real situations. All difficulties will removed and you can step by step move forward in your career. Click out and have a nice time with this useful test!

Six months after an early mobility protocol was implemented, the incidence of deep vein thrombosis in patients was decreased. This is an example of what stage in the EBP process?
Evidence-based practice is a problem-solving approach to making decisions about patient care that is grounded in:
When evidence-based practice is used, patient care will be:
A well-developed PICOT question helps the nurse:
The nurse wants to determine the effects of cardiac rehabilitation program attendance on the level of postmyocardial depression for individuals who have had a myocardial infarction. The type of study that would best capture this information would be a:
When a PICOT question is developed, the letter that corresponds with the usual standard of care is:
The nurse is getting ready to develop a plan of care for a patient who has a specific need. The best source for developing this plan of care would probably be:
The nurse has done a literature search and found 25 possible articles on the topic that she is studying. To determine which of those 25 best fit her inquiry, the nurse first should look at:
To use evidence-based practice appropriately, you need to collect the most relevant and best evidence and to critically appraise the evidence you gather. This process also includes: (Select all that apply.)
In a clinical environment, evidence-based practice has the ability to improve: (Select all that apply.)
The nurse is not sure that the procedure the patient requires is the best possible for the situation. Utilizing which of the following resources would be the quickest way to review research on the topic?

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