Monday, March 16, 2015

30 Free CNA Practice Test Online Questions and Answers on Safety and Body Mechanics

Although there are many emergencies which nursing assistants have to deal with every day, the nursing assistant still have to make sure that their patients will receive the best and safe cares. In reality, many cases are very complicated and difficult to solve immediately. Before the patients are cured by the good doctors, the nursing care is an extremely important step, even, it decides the patient to be recovered or not. Therefore, these cases requires nursing assistants to have a solid ground of nursing first care and a huge knowledge of body mechanics. Once you can understand what is happening to your patients and what is the reason for this occurrence, you will give patient the best nursing care. 30 Free CNA Practice Test Online Questions and Answers on Safety and Body Mechanics will help you to enhance all these understanding through simple and accessible CNA test questions and answers.

An injury which rubs off the surface of the skin
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation
Emergency care given immediately to an injured person.
A broken bone
Mentally altert and having awareness of surroundings.
Burns caused by hot liquids
Occurs when organs and tissues in the body do not recive adequate blood supply.
Confusion about person place or time
Seizure disorder.
The way parts of the body work together whenever you move.
Easily ignited or burns quickly
When an item is blocking the esophagus.
A method of attempting to remove an object from the airway of someone who is choking.
Loss of ability to move all or part of the body
Any intervention used in place of a restraint that reduces the need for a restraint
That which moves an object by resting on a fulcrum or base of support

Sunday, March 15, 2015

12 Free Test Bank for Essentials of Nursing Leadership and Management 5th Edition by Whitehead Multiple Choice Questions

12 Free Test Bank for Essentials of Nursing Leadership and Management 5th Edition by Whitehead Multiple Choice Questions come to you with a well-written content and a nice format. Designed under an easy-to-use format including lots of nursing free test bank questions and instant answers, this test press the essentials of nursing leadership and management. Not only is it focus on the role of leadership and management in nursing but it also offers a thorough coverage of working place issues and trends in this field. We believe that, with all the best benefits you can gain from this test, you will have a highest confidence to take your upcoming exams. Take a try now!

The essence of leadership is the leader's ability to:
According to “trait theories,” the most common traits of a good leader are:
Of the following qualities, which would least likely be attributed to an effective nursing leader?
Behaviors of an effective leader include:
Sally has been working only 3 months after graduating from her nursing program. She confides in a friend that she wants to develop herself as a “good follower.” Her friend says, “Anyone can follow—just walk behind someone and do nothing.” How might Sally respond?
Jim has demonstrated strong leadership skills during his first year as an RN. He observes that one of his coworkers appears very anxious when dealing with demanding families. Jim displays emotional intelligence when he:
Linda believes she should begin demonstrating leadership skills on her unit. She speaks with her nurse manager about how to do this. The nurse manager, who wants to encourage Linda's leadership development, responds by saying:
Which skills will not be useful in becoming a better follower?
Nancy is supervising a patient care assistant and a licensed practical nurse. When giving them assignments she states, “You two decide how you want to divide up the patients.” This is an example of what type of leadership?
Emotional intelligence is also an important part of leadership. Which of these qualities is not part of emotional intelligence?
The major hallmark of situational leadership is:
Matthew is completing his first year of employment as an RN on a medical-surgical unit. A new graduate has just started her orientation on his unit. He found her crying in the patient lounge stating, “I can't do this. This is just not like we learned in school.” What response from Matthew demonstrates his leadership skill?

25 Free Test Bank for Essentials of Nursing Leadership and Management 3rd Edition by Kelly Multiple Choice Questions

All we can say about 25 Free Test Bank for Essentials of Nursing Leadership and Management 3rd Edition by Kelly Multiple Choice Questions is that you can’t ignore a nice test bank with sufficient content like it! You will be difficult to find out a nursing test which is as useful as it is. These nursing test bank questions and answers contained in this test cover almost important things of leadership and management in nursing, so you will quickly master and apply the concepts into reality effectively. With 25 Free Test Bank for Essentials of Nursing Leadership and Management 3rd Edition by Kelly Multiple Choice Questions, the basic knowledge as well as the latest relevant topics will be presented in a nice layout and easy-to-follow format. Don’t worry! Let you refresh yourself with this interesting nursing test!

According to Lussier (1999), motivation __________.
Lussier (1999) noted that there are content motivation theories and process motivation theories. Which of the following is considered a process motivation theory?
The theory that includes maintenance and motivation factors is:
Leadership that is based upon occupying a position in an organization is called:
Bennis and Nanus (2003) identified fundamental qualities that effective leaders share. These three qualities are:
Kirkpatrick and Locke identified six traits that separate leaders from nonleaders. These traits are:
The type of leadership that is participatory and delegates authority to others is called:
The leadership theory that considers follower readiness as a factor in determining leadership style is called:
In contingency theory, the feeling and attitudes of followers regarding acceptance, trust, and credibility of the leader are called:
In situational theory, a telling leadership style is considered to be:
A leader who is committed to a vision that empowers others is called a ________ leader.
A leader who focuses on the day-to-day operations of a unit or department and short-term goals is considered to be a:
Fiedler’s (1967) contingency theory of leadership is based upon three primary factors. Which of the following is not one of these factors?
Leaders who “commit people to action, convert followers into leaders, and convert leaders into agents of change” are called:
The acronym used to identify Gulick and Urwick’s (1937) seven principles associated with management is:
Mintzberg’s managerial taxonomy includes three categories of managerial roles. Which of the following is not one of those categories?
Which of the following is not considered a management decision role?
Which of the following is not one of the content motivation theories?
Which of the following motivation theories and models contains: collective decision making, long-term employment, use of quality circles, and holistic concern and mentoring?
When leaders work to remove obstacles and barriers while employees have self-control and self-discipline and are rewarded by their involvement in their work, they are working under which theory?
Benner’s Model of Novice to Expert (1984) is based on how many levels of experience?
Organizations meet self-actualization needs of employees by:
One common employee motivation problem may be seen when staff have a lack of goals. One solution to this problem could include:
According to Benner’s Model the competent nurse has approximately ______years of work experience?
One important component of leadership is:

20 Free Test Bank for Essentials of Dental Radiography 9th Edition by Thomson Multiple Choice Questions

20 Free Test Bank for Essentials of Dental Radiography 9th Edition by Thomson Multiple Choice Questions provides students with a accessible and updated free test bank questions with full answers for dental radiography which is one of the most important understandings for anyone to pursue dental career. This test present all needed information for clinical practice and patient management, so you can master this learning area without any worries. You will quickly grasp core issues such as: historical perspectives, radiation basics, biologic effects and protection, dental X-ray image receptors, processing techniques; dental radiographer fundamentals, intraoral and extraoral techniques, radiographic errors, quality assurance; mounting and viewing radiographs, and patient management. A nice test bank comes with you! Don’t miss it!

Who was awarded the first Nobel Prize for physics in 1901, for his experimental work with radiation?
Who is credited with introducing the bitewing radiograph?
Who developed the hot cathode ray tube?
The development of radiation protection as a science is credited to:
What New Orleans dentist first made practical use of x-rays in the treatment of dental patients?
Early researchers working in the field of radiography were not aware that continued exposure to x-rays produced accumulations of radiation effects in the body because x-rays are invisible.
The most significant advancement in the early days of radiography came in 1913 when W. D. Coolidge:
The first dental radiograph was produced using an exposure time of:
What component of the dental x-ray machine best limits the size of the x-ray beam to the approximate size of the image receptor?
Panoramic radiology became popular in the:
Which of the following is NOT true regarding cone beam volumetric imaging?
Early dental film required long exposure times because:
Each of the following is an advantage of digital imaging EXCEPT one. Which one is the EXCEPTION?
The bisecting technique was the first and earliest radiographic technique for exposing intraoral radiographs because the bisecting technique is based on the rule of isometry.
The paralleling technique is taught in all dental assisting, dental hygiene, and dental schools because it is the technique of choice for imaging intraoral radiographs.
The rule of isometry is the basis for what dental radiographic technique?
Each of the following is a potential use of dental radiographs EXCEPT one. Which one is the EXCEPTION?
Producing radiographs of the teeth and/or the oral cavity is called:
Dental assistants and dental hygienists meet an important need by providing each of the following EXCEPT one. Which one is the EXEPTION?
The positioning indicating device (PID) is sometimes called a “cone” because the PID of early dental x-ray machines was of a pointed shape.

39 Free Test Bank for EMT Prehospital Care Revised 3rd Edition by Henry Multiple Choice Questions

With a clear presentation and a full coverage of EMT Prehospital care, 39 Free Test Bank for EMT Prehospital Care Revised 3rd Edition by Henry Multiple Choice Questions may exceed your expectations about an usual nursing learning materials. Mentioning to every corners of emergency medical care, these free test bank questions for prehospital care will ensure the core issues to rest and save in your brain as well as work you well in your exams. Through an instant answers system, you can easily know what you are lacking and where you are misunderstanding. In that way, your nursing level will quickly be improved. Hope it’s useful for you!

To view full questions and answers, please visit our site at here:

Which of the following definitions best describes an EMS system?
What did war contribute to EMS systems?
The first use of ambulances in the United States occurred during the:
Which war saw the first widespread use of helicopters to provide rapid transport of casualties from the battleground to field hospitals?
Motorized ambulances were first used by which hospital?
What is the leading cause of death from 1 to 45 years of age?
Which landmark paper did the National Academy of Sciences publish in 1966?
The ____ is the “central nervous system” of EMS resources.
Equipment that allows for the transmission of electrocardiographic (ECG) data from the patient in the field to the physician at the base hospital or medical control facility is called:
All of the following are components of an EMS system except:
Which of the following is a primary responsibility of an EMT at the scene of an accident?
Which component of an EMS system is the "intersection of care" for the critical patient?
Who of the following EMS system personnel often provides the first help to the patient?
Why are specialty facilities an essential part of an EMS system?
Which of the following best defines medical direction?
Which of the following does an operating room provide to a patient?
Which of the following are primary responsibilities of the EMT when providing patient care in the field setting?
Which of the following are the best ways to maintain competence?
Professionalism is defined by which of the following?
Which of the following best describes the EMT-Basic?
Which of the following best describes the EMT-Paramedic?
Which of the following best describes the EMT-Intermediate?
Which is designed to provide a system of internal and external reviews, review ambulance runs, and allow for continuing medical education?
Medical direction involves which of the following?
Which of the following is a designated agent of the medical director?
Which of the following is not a primary role for the EMT-Basic?
Which of the following treatments would require wearing only gloves (no goggles) as your personal protective equipment?
Which of the following are components of the quality improvement process?
Which best describes online medical direction?
Which of the following best describes offline medical direction?
911 access is the first link in which of the following?
Many communities have enhanced 911 emergency access available. This means that:
Physicians and nurses rarely refer to the prehospital care report; therefore a complete oral report to the emergency department staff is more important than clear and complete written documentation.
Once the EMT arrives at the patient’s side, he or she becomes the primary health care representative for the patient during the prehospital phase of care.