Sunday, March 15, 2015

25 Free Test Bank for Essentials of Nursing Leadership and Management 3rd Edition by Kelly Multiple Choice Questions

All we can say about 25 Free Test Bank for Essentials of Nursing Leadership and Management 3rd Edition by Kelly Multiple Choice Questions is that you can’t ignore a nice test bank with sufficient content like it! You will be difficult to find out a nursing test which is as useful as it is. These nursing test bank questions and answers contained in this test cover almost important things of leadership and management in nursing, so you will quickly master and apply the concepts into reality effectively. With 25 Free Test Bank for Essentials of Nursing Leadership and Management 3rd Edition by Kelly Multiple Choice Questions, the basic knowledge as well as the latest relevant topics will be presented in a nice layout and easy-to-follow format. Don’t worry! Let you refresh yourself with this interesting nursing test!

According to Lussier (1999), motivation __________.
Lussier (1999) noted that there are content motivation theories and process motivation theories. Which of the following is considered a process motivation theory?
The theory that includes maintenance and motivation factors is:
Leadership that is based upon occupying a position in an organization is called:
Bennis and Nanus (2003) identified fundamental qualities that effective leaders share. These three qualities are:
Kirkpatrick and Locke identified six traits that separate leaders from nonleaders. These traits are:
The type of leadership that is participatory and delegates authority to others is called:
The leadership theory that considers follower readiness as a factor in determining leadership style is called:
In contingency theory, the feeling and attitudes of followers regarding acceptance, trust, and credibility of the leader are called:
In situational theory, a telling leadership style is considered to be:
A leader who is committed to a vision that empowers others is called a ________ leader.
A leader who focuses on the day-to-day operations of a unit or department and short-term goals is considered to be a:
Fiedler’s (1967) contingency theory of leadership is based upon three primary factors. Which of the following is not one of these factors?
Leaders who “commit people to action, convert followers into leaders, and convert leaders into agents of change” are called:
The acronym used to identify Gulick and Urwick’s (1937) seven principles associated with management is:
Mintzberg’s managerial taxonomy includes three categories of managerial roles. Which of the following is not one of those categories?
Which of the following is not considered a management decision role?
Which of the following is not one of the content motivation theories?
Which of the following motivation theories and models contains: collective decision making, long-term employment, use of quality circles, and holistic concern and mentoring?
When leaders work to remove obstacles and barriers while employees have self-control and self-discipline and are rewarded by their involvement in their work, they are working under which theory?
Benner’s Model of Novice to Expert (1984) is based on how many levels of experience?
Organizations meet self-actualization needs of employees by:
One common employee motivation problem may be seen when staff have a lack of goals. One solution to this problem could include:
According to Benner’s Model the competent nurse has approximately ______years of work experience?
One important component of leadership is:

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